LIVE FEED: 1905 professionals in total on the NRCPD registers.

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The NRCPD is the leading voluntary regulator for language service professionals, setting the benchmark for excellence in the UK and British Overseas Territories. We proudly oversee a wide range of professionals, including British Sign Language/English Interpreters and Translators, Irish Sign Language Interpreters, Lipspeakers, Notetakers, Speech-to-Text Reporters, and Interpreters for Deafblind People.

At the heart of our work is the protection of d/Deaf* and deafblind people, as well as maintaining public trust in language services. By registering professionals, setting rigorous standards, investigating fitness-to-practise concerns, and championing high-quality language services, we ensure that the needs of d/Deaf and deafblind communities are met with professionalism and integrity.

We are here to support and connect with you. Reach us via Video Relay Service (VRS), email, or phone. For more information, including our working hours, please visit our Contact Us page.

NRCPD Updates

New Chair

NRCPD is pleased to announce the appointment of our new Chair...

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