Making changes to separate from Signature

17 October 2018

We just want to let you know about our next steps in separating operationally from Signature. We have been a charity in our own right run by a Board of Trustees since January 2017, but until now the NRCPD staff team has been a core of two part-time staff (the Director and the Register Services Manager) with all our support services, including the administrative work on registration and complaints, provided by Signature under a service agreement. To become fully independent we need to bring our core services 'in house' and separate out our operational functions. The aim is to complete all this work by the end of 2019 but we start with some initial changes this year. Over the next three months we will be moving to a new workspace within the building with our own IT and phones and recruiting two new part-time staff. We will also be changing our phone number and publishing new guidelines for when and how we can be reached, so that phone queries are always answered by NRCPD staff. We will publicise our new phone number widely and repeatedly so we can achieve a switchover late in November this year. Of course you will be able to get in touch with us by email always too. We will do everything we can to minimise disruption to our usual services over this period whilst we integrate new staff and implement new processes.

During 2019 we will complete our staff recruitment and implement our own IT solution separate from Signature infrastructure. In parallel with this very significant development of NRCPD capability we will conduct reviews of CPD, our complaints process and course mapping, which will become regular parts of our quality improvement cycle, as well as seeking feedback from a wide range of stakeholders with the largest survey NRCPD has ever conducted. We will also be adopting the PQASSO quality standard to make sure all our business processes are at a level that will give everyone confidence that we are the independent professional regulator the community expects.

We will provide regular updates as things progress and please look out for more information on our contact information and the switchover to our new phone number in the coming weeks.

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