01 February 2021
Dear Translators, Interpreters and Regulated Trainees,
Please see the announcement of the Sign Language Translator and Interpreter (SLTI) 2021 UK census below. It has been commissioned by ASLI and is being overseen by a profession-wide advisory group, including Heriot-Watt University, University of Wolverhampton, University of the West of Scotland, ASLI, VLP, SCOSLI, NRCPD, SRLPDC, RBSLI, UK Council on Deafness, SignWorld and the Interpreters of Colour Network.
To see the announcement in BSL, please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lQCqY176K0&feature=youtu.be
To see the announcement in English, please see:
Hi, my name is Robert Adam, I'm from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. I'm very pleased to announce the Sign Language Translator and Interpreter (SLTI) UK Census.
The aim of this census is to establish a baseline demographic description of the sign language translator and interpreter workforce in the UK. This kind of information can help us understand and discuss how needs are met.
We want to know who are the people that undertake work as, or are training to become, a sign language translator or interpreter in the UK. The census contains five sections:
1. Demographics/Personal characteristics 2. Language background & social connection with the deaf community 3. Current status as a translator/interpreter 4. Professional & training background 5. Work pattern
The census is open for 2 weeks and takes between 20 - 30 minutes to complete.
To begin the census, please click here:
(If you have already completed the census, you do not need to complete it again).
With thanks,