NRCPD: Strategic Foundations 2021 - 2023

29 March 2021

'NRCPD: Strategic Foundations.' is our two-year strategy for 2021-3 and refreshes our purpose, vision and mission as well as setting out our strategic aims and the values that define us.

We developed it with significant engagement from stakeholders, careful consideration of our charitable purpose, and with a realistic view of the risks and opportunities of the future. With it we will build the strategic foundations needed to prepare NRCPD for the future and the even greater impact we want to make beyond 2023.

Promoting the standard of language service professionals for public protection and operating the Registers will still be at the heart of what we do - it is our main charitable purpose.

Consulting with d/Deaf* and deafblind people, d/Deaf* and deafblind organisations, registrants and professional associations, will be a key priority in this strategy because it is our intention to embrace the future together. In developing this strategy, we have listened to what is important to you, but we can do more. 'Strategic Foundations' is the opportunity for us to get our engagement to the level we know it should be and bring us closer to d/Deaf* and deafblind people.

A quick word on terminology: from now on we will use the term "d/Deaf* and deafblind people" as inclusive of the full breadth of the deaf or deafblind experience, including deafened and hard of hearing people.

Our new strategy is an exciting step forward for NRCPD and we are looking forward to embarking on this in partnership with others. We are determined to play our part in achieving full inclusion for d/Deaf* and deafblind people in the UK and to do so together. 'Strategic Foundations' is our next stage in that journey. Don't miss our launch day on Monday 19th April 2021.

With thanks,

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