Police Interpreter Services Update

02 September 2021

A statement published on Thursday 2nd September 2021 by the Police Interpreter Services on behalf of all police forces nationally said that those who pretend to be qualified and registered sign language and/or spoken language interpreters will be prosecuted for fraud. The statement gave examples of people pretending to be qualified spoken language interpreters who had been fined and jailed.

At NRCPD, we take public protection very seriously and have procedures in place so that only those who are appropriately qualified can join the NRCPD registers to ensure the quality of language services for Deaf, hard of hearing and Deafblind people throughout the country.

We will work closely with police forces across the UK to ensure that they know that NRCPD registration is a guarantee of a professional's status and how to check someone is registered with us. Public safety is our highest priority and we will work to ensure that only those who are legitimately qualified and registered are practising in criminal justice settings.

If you are not sure if a language service professional is NRCPD registered and qualified, you can quickly check for registration using our website's public database, or ask to see their NRCPD ID badge.

To read the statement by the Police Interpreter Services in English, please see:https://www.leics.police.uk/news/leicestershire/news/2021/september/fake-interpreters-will-be-caught/

Unfortunately a BSL version was not made available, but we have asked for future press releases to be translated into BSL for release at the same time.

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