Possible scam threat

12 January 2023

Dear Registrants and Regulated Trainees,

We have recently been made aware of a possible scam threat after a registrant received a scam email from someone which included a photo of themselves in both the body of the email and as an attachment. They believe this photo had been taken from their public profile on the NRCPD website.

We have looked into ways of addressing this issue, but this would involve additional barriers that would make our website harder to access for those who use it. However, the portal does give you the option to hide your photo from your public profile and you may wish to take this precautionary measure.

In addition, we recommend that you are extremely vigilant of such emails, always be sure the person you are communicating with is who they say they are; and take every care you can with the safety of your own information.

Be especially suspicious of any email asking for or promising money. The purpose of these scam emails may be to obtain money from yourselves, but also to gather information that fraudsters can use in further scams.

If you have been targeted in this way or have become a victim of such scams, you can find Action Fraud's contact details for the next steps here: www.actionfraud.police.uk/contact-us

NRCPD will never give out information that you have not chosen to share via the register search.

With thanks,

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