Raising the profile of the professions we regulate

21 March 2023

NRCPD is committed to raising the profile of the professions we regulate.

One of the key ways we do this is through external communication. When we communicate with you and the wider public, we have the opportunity to represent the diversity of our registrants and regulated trainees; the breadth of work that you do and the positive impact this has on people's lives.

To extend this impact, we would like to gather case studies, including photographs of language service professionals during practice, taken in accordance with GDPR. (NB: These photos may be 'staged', rather than taken in the process of practice).

If you would be willing to volunteer case studies, and/or photographs of yourself during practice, please let us know via email at: enquiries@nrcpd.org.uk. We will then give you guidance on content and how to take images that align with GDPR legislation.

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