NRCPD Update, Summer 2012

31 August 2012

We are pleased to announce the following updates.

Numbers Registered

The numbers of registered communication professionals at 31 July 2011 and 31 July 2012 are:

31/07/11 31/07/12
Registered Sign Language Interpreters 656 737
Trainee Sign Language Interpreters N/A 135
Trainee Interpreters 107 43
Junior Trainee Interpreters 151 59
Registered Sign Language Translators N/A 1
Registered Lipspeakers 35 42
Registered Speech to Text Reporters 23 24
Registered Level 3 Electronic Notetakers 5 7
Level 2 Manual Notetakers 12 11
Level 2 Electronic Notetakers 8 5
Registered Interpreters for Deafblind People 16 18
Total 1,013 1,082

The total number has risen by 69 compared to this time last year. Thanks to you all once again for your support and recognition of the importance of professional registration.

Registration Fees from September 2012

Fees from 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013 were published in the spring 2012 update including the rationale behind the increases. We are publishing the new fees again in case you have joined NRCPD since the last update was circulated.

Registered Sign Language Interpreter £185
Trainee Sign Language Interpreter £125
Registered Sign Language Translator £185
Trainee Sign Language Translator £125
Registered Lipspeaker £135
Trainee Lipspeaker £75
Registered Speech to Text Reporter £135
Trainee Speech to Text Reporter £75
Registered Interpreter for Deafblind People £135
Trainee Interpreter for Deafblind People £75
Registered Electronic Notetaker £135
Registered Manual Notetaker £135

Payment of Registration fees

On approval of your registration our finance department will send you an invoice for payment of the required fee. We expect you to pay your fee in line with the terms set out on the invoice. If you do not receive an invoice within a couple of weeks of your registration approval, please contact us at and we will follow this up for you. We will remove from the register individuals who do not pay their fees in a timely manner.

Review of Code of Conduct

We will be reviewing the Code of Conduct in the next few months. Keep an eye on our website for more information and the opportunity to give us your comments during the review.


All NRCPD Registered communication professionals need to record 12 hours of professional development activity to renew their registration in 2013. You can count any eligible activity you have undertaken in the twelve months before your renewal date. A minimum of six hours must be structured and up to six hours can be unstructured. For structured activities you should keep a file of the CPD evidence you collect. We will select a sample of files to audit. Your online Revalidation account opens from your 2012 renewal date.

Your CPD activities should help further your development as a communication professional. You decide which activities will best develop and improve your skills and knowledge. If you are unsure of the types of activities to undertake, discuss this with colleagues, mentors, professional associations, and other peers.

Structured activities have a clear learning aim and outcome and can be independently verified. The following are examples:

  • Training course
  • Conference
  • Being a mentee
  • Seminar
  • Lecture
  • Workshop
  • E-learning with specific objective (including webinars)

Further information can be found on the NRCPD website:

Last call for Junior Trainee and Trainee Interpreters

Individuals, who completed on or before 30 June 2012 a course that makes them eligible to apply under JTI and TI eligibility criteria, have until 5 pm on 28 September 2012 to submit a completed application for NRCPD Trainee status. Applicants will be deemed to have met the Trainee Sign Language Interpreter entry requirement automatically and will be recognised as such.

If your course finished on or after 1 July 2012, you are on or about to start a Trainee Interpreter (TI) or Junior Trainee Interpreter (JTI) course that is due to finish after 28 September 2012, you must submit your application no more than three months after successfully completing the course. Please check the FAQs on our website for more information: Trainee Interpreter FAQs, Junior Trainee Interpreter FAQs

The new Trainee Sign Language Interpreter category comes fully into effect from 1 October 2012. To renew in 2013 or to apply to become a new TSLI from 1 October 2012 individuals will have to be undertaking an approved programme of training that leads to Registered status.

Training programmes we accept are

  • Approved Higher Education courses (list available on NRCPD website)
  • Vocational training at approved interpreting assessment centres, including Individual Interpreter Development Programmes
  • Supervised Development Plan

    To apply or to renew individuals must

  • Submit a completed Endorsement Form and relevant information about the training programme they are undertaking
  • Be supervised or mentored by appropriately qualified or experienced Registered Sign Language Interpreter(s)
  • Meet the requirements of the Trainee Interpreter Standards:
    • Language at extended level
    • Sufficient interpreting training to be aware of developing professional competence boundaries

To view the Trainee Interpreter Standards go to pages 57-76.

Use of Social Media

We've had a number of concerns raised about communication professionals using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to update their friends about where they have been, including information about assignments. Please think carefully before disclosing on a social network any information gained from or through an assignment. The information you provide may have an audience, permanence, and consequences that you did not intend.

Supporting information for Applicants

We require originals of any new supporting information you submit as part of a new or renewal application. We will return any original documents with your official confirmation letter and ID card. Please make sure that your address details in the My Information section of your online registration application are up to date. That's the address we use to return your original documents.

You can change your address or contact details by logging into your online application, going to the My Information section, making and saving the required changes. If you wish to change your surname or login email address you need to request this via

National Occupational Standards for Speech to Text Reporters

You can find the new NOS for STTRs on the following page of the CfA website:

If you would like to comment on any item in this update or raise any other matters relevant to NRCPD, please contact

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