19 December 2012
The regulator of Sign Language Interpreters, NRCPD, has launched a public awareness campaign to highlight the risks of using untrained interpreters. The SignSafe campaign aims to raise public awareness of the importance of using Registered Sign Language Interpreters (RSLIs) when working with Deaf and Deafblind people.
At present, huge risks are regularly being taken with the public's health and well-being when no interpreter is made available, or worse, untrained, incompetent signers are booked to work with Deaf and Deafblind people. NRCPD says it is time to take action.
Launching the campaign at the 2012 ASLI conference in front of 200 sign language interpreters, Huw Vaughan Thomas, Chair of regulation body NRCPD said "It can be complicated to understand whether you are booking a Registered interpreter or an untrained 'signer'. SignSafe makes that choice simple."
The campaign has an easily recognisable logo in the already familiar bright yellow colour which many users associate with properly trained interpreters. Registered Sign Language Interpreters are being urged to promote the SignSafe campaign by wearing their Photo ID Cards and handing out SignSafe leaflets. The leaflets explain how to find properly trained, professionally competent interpreters on the NRCPD website. They outline the actions to take if the user is unhappy about the service they receive.
SignSafe is the latest in a series of actions NRCPD has taken to improve access and strengthen regulation to safeguard the wellbeing and interests of people who rely on the services of sign language interpreters.