Further comments...

17 December 2013

The main purpose of NRCPD is to safeguard the wellbeing and interests of deaf and deafblind people who rely on communication professionals. We do that by checking that every sign language interpreter, sign language translator, speech to text reporter, lipspeaker, interpreter for deafblind people and notetaker is properly trained to do their job safely and consistently. Communication professionals register with us to show they are appropriately qualified and committed to professional standards of practice.

We believe by using Regulated Sign Language Interpreters, the situation in South Africa would not have happened.

Sometimes you might feel that the service provided by a registered communication professional falls below the required standard. If you fail to resolve the issue with the professional, and make a complaint with us, we will ask you to follow our complaints procedure. But please be assured we take all feedback on our registrants seriously.

We cannot act upon a complaint unless you can provide evidence that the NRCPRD communication professional has breached at least one section of the Code of Conduct.

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