NRCPD meet with NHS England

13 January 2014

NRCPD met with Sarah Marsay recently. Sarah is the Public Engagement Account Manager in the Directorate of Patient and Public Voice and Information, NHS England.

The meeting was held to discuss NHS England's project which aims to improve the provision of accessible information and communication support to disabled people by health and care organisations. This will particularly affect people who are blind, deaf, deafblind, have some hearing or visual loss or have a learning disability. As part of the project, NHS England is keen to understand both minimum expected standards of information and communication, and to promote good practice. In this regard, Sarah welcomed the advice and input of NRCPD.

NRCPD support the idea of enforceable standards in this way and value NHS England's willingness to engage with stakeholders in developing the detail.

Find out more about the project at

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