31 July 2014
We are pleased to share our July/August 2014 update.
As you know, we're continuing the Strengthening Registration process by talking with our stakeholders. Thanks to all of you who were able to answer our recent survey.
At its July meeting the Board reaffirmed its short term aim of meeting the standards expected of a regulator. We are judging ourselves against objective criteria so we are prepared for the next stage.
The long term aim also remains the same: statutory regulation. As many registrants commented in the recent survey, giving the register legal teeth is the most effective way to protect people who rely on the services of communication professionals.
But we have listened to your concerns and slowed down the process. How and when statutory regulation will happen has not been decided.
Instead, we'll be moving in that direction step-by-step and in partnership with all stakeholders. The details of what we have been and will be doing are below.
Registration fees will be the same in 2014-15 as in 2013-14. Remember, if you want to register in more than one category we will charge you only one fee if you submit your applications at the same time.
In June and July we asked communication professionals to tell us what they think about statutory regulation. 363 people responded, the majority of whom were NRCPD registrants.
Over two thirds of respondents (67 per cent) said they support the aim of statutory regulation. So whilst the detail still needs to be worked out, we have quite a lot of support for the principle.
You can download the full report and the full data set. Don't worry, we've removed everyone's names and contact details.
In March we told you the Board expects to complete the current stage by autumn. It will then make specific proposals for further consultation.
In particular, we'll be asking you about the code of conduct, complaints procedure and return to practice policy. We've been rewriting them with the help of our Professional Standards Advisors.
The recent survey made it clear registrants think the current continuing professional development (CPD) policy needs improvement. It's what we've also heard from the professional associations.
As a result of this feedback, we will pilot a policy based on reflective practice in 2016. This will shift the focus from outputs (number of hours) to outcomes (how your practice has developed as a result of what you did).
Members of the Board will begin the process by developing a CPD session. Participants will reflect on the reflective model and make some recommendations.
Until then, the requirement will be frozen at 24 hours for all registrants. At least 12 of those hours have to be structured activity, such as training courses, conferences and AGMs. The rest can be unstructured, such as meetings, reflective work and reading relevant material.
We also understand registrants need better guidance on what CPD can help you meet the requirements. We'll be working with the professional associations to provide that.
The structure of the Board is going to change so it is the same as other regulators.
The Board will be made up of four registrants and four non-registrants. The chair will also be a non-registrant.
The non-registrants will be selected for their skills and experience. In particular, we will continue to look for people with experience of regulation. New members will be recruited over the next few months. Details will be announced soon.
As always, if you have any questions or want to tell us what you think about something, do contact us. You can also follow us on Twitter.
You might want to follow Dan Sumners too. Signature's Senior Policy Adviser, Dan has been working on our stakeholder engagement.