28 January 2013
The Criminal Records Bureau for England and Wales has merged with the Independent Safeguarding Authority to become the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). In Scotland the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme is fully up and running. Some of you have told us you are experiencing difficulties in securing the paperwork required to register.
24 January 2013
Welcome to your first Registration Update for 2013.
24 January 2013
Action on Hearing Loss are calling on GPs to substantially improve their communication with patients with hearing loss. This follows research which found 28% of respondents had been unclear about a diagnosis during a GP appointment.
14 January 2013
This week, 21 interpreters in Scotland who hold the Heriot-Watt Certificate or Graduate Diploma in Interpreting Studies & Skills (BSL/English) are undergoing Professional Practice Assessment with a view to joining NRCPD.