NRCPD Updates for January 2014

A news update from efsli - JUSTISIGNS

24 January 2014

The first meeting of the JUSTISIGNS project partners was held at Trinity College Dublin on 5 and 6 December. The three-year EC-funded project will develop training for sign language interpreters working in legal settings, legal professionals on how to best work with interpreters and programmes to raise the Deaf Communities' awareness of their rights and how to gain equal access to the legal systems in their own countries.

NRCPD meet with NHS England

13 January 2014

NRCPD met with Sarah Marsay recently. Sarah is the Public Engagement Account Manager in the Directorate of Patient and Public Voice and Information, NHS England.

BDA campaign for deaf people to receive support from registered communication professionals - sign the petition

07 January 2014

NRCPD support the British Deaf Association's call on the government to lead an initiative to ensure that all public bodies and agencies, whether national or local, are required by law to provide a deaf person with a registered communication professional.

Check the register

Find and contact a communication professional