NRCPD Updates for January 2018

NRCPD has announced that the Director/Registrar, Alan Peacock, has stepped down...

31 January 2018

Alan has led NRCPD since July 2016, during a time of growth in the number of registrants for NRCPD. Along with the Board, he has set NRCPD on the path towards separation from the parent company, Signature and leaves an organisation which is ready to embrace the exciting challenges ahead.

Route to Registration for Speech to Text Reporters

25 January 2018

We have recently approved a Signature training event for Speech to Text Reporters.

NRCPD Newsletter | January 2018

22 January 2018

Changes to requirements for Trainee Sign Language Interpreters

Changes to Requirements for Trainee Sign Language Interpreters.

15 January 2018

NRCPD has consulted with stakeholders about the standards and requirements of Trainee Sign Language Interpreters (TSLI). Following the consultation, a working group was set up, and the feedback from the consultation informed its recommendations for changes to the requirements for TSLI, with the view of improving standards. In August 2017 the Board approved the proposed recommendations.

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