NRCPD Updates for May 2021

Vacancy: Practice Policy Officer

24 May 2021

Passionate about practice? Are you looking for a role that will shape the future of our professions? NRCPD is now recruiting for a dynamic and talented person as the Practice Policy officer in our team.


19 May 2021

We hope you have been keeping safe this Spring as the Covid-19 restrictions ease up. There's been a lot going on at NRCPD since the last newsletter in December, and we have some updates for you.

A guide to using the NRCPD website.

11 May 2021

We have put together a guide to using the NRCPD website and it covers how to find

NRCPD and SignHealth Event

06 May 2021

We had a chat with SignHealth Charity about the importance of working with...

Would you accept an unregistered and unqualified doctor for your healthcare appointments?

06 May 2021

Check the register

Find and contact a communication professional