Complaint references: CR44

16th Feb 2021

Professional Discipline Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Date Complaint Received 16.02.2021
Date Complaint Closed 27.04.2021
Origin of Complaint Service User
Registered or Trainee Registered
Nature of Complaint

Complainant raised concerns around Registrant's behaviour during an initial therapy session conducted via Zoom. It was alleged that the Registrant arrived after the therapist and Complainant and appeared underprepared. The Registrant was requested to re-position, due to the Complainant not being able to see the Registrants hands. The Registrant became annoyed and exasperated, and refused to adjust, which offended the Complainant.

The Complainant felt the Registrant refused to interpret requests relating to pinning and changing the view of the meeting, and the Complainant was left unable to see the therapist throughout the session.

The Registrant spoke directly to the therapist, which resulted in the Complainant feeling left out and anxious.

The Complainant had to continually interject, asking the Registrant to interpret what was being said. The Registrant displayed inappropriate responses and reactions, and made inappropriate comments relating to the Complainants job, as well as personal disclosures that the Complainant felt were inappropriate. The Registrant arranged the next session with the therapist directly, without checking preferences or consent with the Complainant. The Complainant subsequently requested an alternative interpreter for future sessions.

The assignment left the Complainant feeling troubled, anxious, unsettled, offended and frustrated, and feeling it was a missed opportunity to access therapy.

Witness statement was obtained from the therapist present.

Summary Investigation conducted into potential breach of Section 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 61 and 6.2 of NRCPD's Code of Conduct.

Registrants' response to the complaint was sent to the Complainant, and a second statement requested. The Complainant responded and requested that the case be closed with no further action. The Complainant indicated that as the Registrant had reflected upon the incident and considered making improvements (details as specific in Registrants first statement), that is what the Complainant had hoped would be the outcome of making this complaint.

NRCPD case closed with no further action.

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