Complaint references: CR59

17th Mar 2021

Professional Discipline Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Date Complaint Received 17.03.2021
Date Complaint Closed 01.02.2022
Origin of Complaint RSLI
Registered or Trainee Registered
Nature of Complaint

The complaint related to a remote conference in November 2020 where the Registrant along with a Co-Worker was present to support the Complainant (a RSLI) so that they could all interpret throughout the conference for a deaf client. Allegations included that the Registrant omitted large parts of what was being said, their interpretation lacked language structure, they used non-conventional BSL signs as well as fingerspelling incorrectly. The concerns led to the Complainant messaging their co-worker and deaf client, and the Complainant and co-worker undertaking most of the interpreting to resolve this. The Complainant subsequently attempted to resolve the matter with the registrant directly but the attempts were unsuccessful.


Investigation conducted into potential breach of Section 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.3, 7.4 of NRCPD's Code of Conduct. A witness statement was obtained from the co-worker present. NRCPD made enquiries into obtaining a witness statement from the deaf client but it was not forthcoming.


Case Examiners decided based on the evidence provided, that there was a realistic prospect of finding an impairment of fitness to practice, but that it was not in the public interest to refer the case to a Complaints Committee.

The Registrant accepted their conduct was not of a high professional standard and they had extenuating circumstances. The Case Examiners accepted the Registrant's admissions and felt the registrant had failed to fully engage with the concern/complaint and that the matter should not have progressed to a formal complaint. They offered advice to the Registrant, particularly that they need to be more cautious of the bookings they undertake to follow 3.1 of the Code.

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