17th Mar 2021
Professional Discipline | Registered Sign Language Interpreter |
Date Complaint Received | 17.03.2021 |
Date Complaint Closed | 01.02.2022 |
Origin of Complaint | RSLI |
Registered or Trainee | Registered |
Nature of Complaint |
The complaint related to a remote conference in November 2020 where the Registrant along with a Co-Worker was present to support the Complainant (a RSLI) so that they could all interpret throughout the conference for a deaf client. Allegations included that the Registrant omitted large parts of what was being said, their interpretation lacked language structure, they used non-conventional BSL signs as well as fingerspelling incorrectly. The concerns led to the Complainant messaging their co-worker and deaf client, and the Complainant and co-worker undertaking most of the interpreting to resolve this. The Complainant subsequently attempted to resolve the matter with the registrant directly but the attempts were unsuccessful. |
Summary |
Investigation conducted into potential breach of Section 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.3, 7.4 of NRCPD's Code of Conduct. A witness statement was obtained from the co-worker present. NRCPD made enquiries into obtaining a witness statement from the deaf client but it was not forthcoming. |
Outcome |
Case Examiners decided based on the evidence provided, that there was a realistic prospect of finding an impairment of fitness to practice, but that it was not in the public interest to refer the case to a Complaints Committee. The Registrant accepted their conduct was not of a high professional standard and they had extenuating circumstances. The Case Examiners accepted the Registrant's admissions and felt the registrant had failed to fully engage with the concern/complaint and that the matter should not have progressed to a formal complaint. They offered advice to the Registrant, particularly that they need to be more cautious of the bookings they undertake to follow 3.1 of the Code. |
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