Complaint references: CR77

6th Dec 2022

Professional Discipline RSLI
Date Complaint Received 11.10.2022
Date Complaint Closed 06.12.2022
Origin of Complaint Deaf Service User
Registered or Trainee Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Nature of Complaint

Complainant raised concerns around the professional conduct and attitude of the Registrant during a remote assignment with the deaf service user and their Registered Relay Intralingual Interpreter in which the Registrant left the assignment early. Allegations include leaving the assignment early without notification and not having adequate provision for remote assignments.

The Complainant had previously had the complaint dealt with by another party and was unhappy with the outcome.


Investigation conducted into potential breach of Section 1.1 and 6.1 of NRCPD's Code of Conduct. Witness statements were also obtained from the Registered Relay Interlingual Interpreter.


The case was fully reviewed by the Registrar, and they decided to discontinue the case in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Professional Conduct Complaints Procedure.

The decision to discontinue the case were for the following reasons:

  • A previous complaint investigation was undertaken and completed by the business who engaged the Registrant. The Registrant cooperated with this process fully and an explanation was given to the Complainant to help them understand why the Registrant left the meeting in the way they did. An outcome was reached which resolved the complaint.
  • The alleged misconduct by the Registrant is not serious enough to proceed with the investigation as it would cause disproportionate distress and/or reputational harm to them.

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