NRCPD has been regulating communication and language professionals since 2009 and was independently established as a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee in January 2017 (Charity No 1170904; Company No 10510695). We are governed under charity law by a Board of Trustees who are also Directors under company law.
Our charitable purpose is to protect deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and deaf blind people, by promoting the quality, conduct and professionalism of all communications professionals. We do this by operating a number of registers for communications professionals, setting and maintaining appropriate standards of conduct and professionalism, and regulating those on the registers against those standards.
The Board is made up of:
Board members are appointed for their skills and experience and can serve for a maximum of two four year terms.
In addition the Trustees engage Professional Standards Advisers to assist and advise on all aspects of registration policy, course mapping and complaint handling to ensure that our work remains independent and reflective of best practice.