Complaint references: CR75

26th Sep 2022

Professional Discipline Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Date Complaint Received 08.10.2020
Date Complaint Closed 26.09.2022
Origin of Complaint Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Registered or Trainee Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Nature of Complaint

Complainant raised concerns around the Registrant's professional conduct with regard to professional boundaries in a social service setting with a deaf service user. Allegations include overstepping professional boundaries on various occasions in 2019.


Investigation conducted into potential breach of Section 1.1, 6.1 and 6.2 of NRCPD's Code of Conduct. Witness statements obtained from four other Social Service Professionals.


Case Examiners decided based on the evidence provided, that there was a realistic prospect of finding an impairment of fitness to practice, but that it was not in the public interest to refer the case to a Complaints Committee. The Case Examiners decided that there was an impairment of Sections 1.1 and 6.1 of the Code and issued a warning to remain on file for 12 months in relation to these Sections. They also directed that the Registrant undertake 6 professional supervision sessions and produce evidence of this to NRCPD.

The Case Examiners stated that they strongly recommend that the Registrant reflect on their behaviour regarding their professional boundaries and professional behaviour when interacting with service users (both deaf and hearing). They additionally advised the Registrant to reflect on the language they are using when describing all service users and colleagues, both deaf and hearing, and to be more respectful of them as individuals and the professional positions they hold.

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